Baby progress


Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 8- Strong heartbeat!

Had my Dr.'s appt last Thursday and we were able to see what the doctor called a "very strong" heartbeat. I was elated! Not to mention baby measured 2 days bigger than my due date. Soo, my new due date is Dec. 9th. Plus, I got a call from the nurse at the doctors office today regarding my lab results and she said everything came back perfectly normal! YAY!

Just another week and a half (week 10) and I will be completely out of the danger zone. Most people say not until week 12, but I read after the 10th week their is only a 7% or less chance of losing the baby. I've felt really good the last 3 days and eager to plan. 8 more weeks and we can find out what we are having!!

Have a great week! Just wanted to give a quick update.

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