Baby progress


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 11- Little lime

This week the baby is suppose to be the size of a lime. I cannot believe I am on my way to week 12. It felt like it would never come. I am getting anxious to find out what we are having. I would really like to have a boy, but either way as long as I have a healthy baby!! Thursday is my doctors appt. I'm not sure what they will do other than measure my belly and listen to the heartbeat. We started going through our tv room which is just our third bedroom we converted into a media type room. We won't completely convert it until October or so. That way we can utilize it until then.

I've felt really good the past few weeks, I haven't Had much nausea since I started taking my prenatal at bedtime. But, I remember with Karlie my morning sickness really didn't start until the 4th month. My clothes are tight.....I bought some maternity jeans and they are so comfortable. I'm so bloated its annoying! I definitely feel thicker.

I am approaching finals this week for school, so this week should fly by since they will keep me busy.

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