Baby progress


Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 12- New DUE DATE

I can't believe I am almost in my 2nd trimester! One more week to go. I had another Dr.'s appointment last Thursday. I ended up having another ultrasound because they couldnt find a heartbeat on the doppler. I remember them having problems finding a heartbeat with that when I was pregnant with my daughter. Everything looked good....heartbeat was 150 and the baby was moving all over! Kicking it's legs, arms, and at one point we saw a foot with little toes. It was adorable. I'm already in love!

They moved my due date up again to Dec. 7th. My doctor wants to put me on blood pressure meds because my BP is so high. Not wanting to, but really have no choice. I am feeling a slight baby bump and am expecting the next month to really start showing!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Week 11- Little lime

This week the baby is suppose to be the size of a lime. I cannot believe I am on my way to week 12. It felt like it would never come. I am getting anxious to find out what we are having. I would really like to have a boy, but either way as long as I have a healthy baby!! Thursday is my doctors appt. I'm not sure what they will do other than measure my belly and listen to the heartbeat. We started going through our tv room which is just our third bedroom we converted into a media type room. We won't completely convert it until October or so. That way we can utilize it until then.

I've felt really good the past few weeks, I haven't Had much nausea since I started taking my prenatal at bedtime. But, I remember with Karlie my morning sickness really didn't start until the 4th month. My clothes are tight.....I bought some maternity jeans and they are so comfortable. I'm so bloated its annoying! I definitely feel thicker.

I am approaching finals this week for school, so this week should fly by since they will keep me busy.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week 10- My little prune :)

Other than the migraine that woke me up at 3am this morning, I am feeling pretty good. I left work early so I could come home and sleep. The migraine drained my energy! Another week and a half and I will be at another DR.'s appt. It will be my 12 week apt!! CRAAZY!

Still having lots of name issues.....we cannot agree on anything! I have also been thinking that a birthing center is just not for me. I feel a lot more at ease having the baby at a hospital. Theres just so much that could go wrong, not to mention they have pain management! We have a consultation on June 9th, at the birthing center and I think we might still go, but I'm just not convinced it is right for us. I'm fairly certain I could handle the pain if that was the only thing holding me back, but it's not. having peach of mind is a huge part of it.

I'm off to take a nap!!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

New plan- Operation 18 pounds

So....I am on a mission to gain minimally throughout this pregnancy. They told me at the doctors a couple weeks ago that they would only like to see me gain 3 pounds a month. That's 18 pounds (for the next 6 months). I gained 40 with my daughter and I am determined NOT to do that again. So I started counting calories, since I only need to add another 300 calories per day for my pregnancy. I am going for 1800/day and if I exercise I will add an additional 100-200cal. My goal is not to lose, my goal is to maintain. My doctor told me if I really watch it, I can lose a few and still have a healthy baby. Plus the weight will fly off afterwards. We will see! I am trying to stay away from sugar and starches. Everything else is allowed but in moderation.


I really want to try and breastfeed for at least the first 6 weeks after the baby comes. I wasn't able to breastfeed my daughter because she wouldn't latch on. Then after that 6 weeks, I am going to start HCG again.

So far that's my plan anyways!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Week 9! I think we now have a grape.

Friday was officially my 9th week.

I purchased my first "baby" things today. It was really exciting. I was on Baby's R last night for an hour checking out all of the things they have for babies now. 12 years ago, when I was pregnant with my daughter, they had nothing quite as cool as the things they have today. Some of my favorites are the Boppy pillow, the grocery cart cover that the kids sit in, and oh my, they have an abundance of swings and bouncers to choose from. I made note of a few I really liked. Then this morning we went to a neighborhood-wide garage sale and what did we come accross?? A baby bouncer and a swing! Actually the bouncer is the same one I was looking at last night online. Through Baby's R us, it was $45, at the garage sale, $5....and it looks brand new! I also found a swing that looks brand new for $8! So I got both for $13....CRAZY! They had a ton of baby clothes, but I'm not quite ready for that yet. Especially since we don't yet know what we are having.

I think we are going to find out though because we are pretty much starting over with buying new stuff. I have nothing left from when karlie was a baby. NOT ONE THING! According to my pregancy update the baby should be the size of a grape. Just a few more weeks of having that worried voice in my head, although I am feeling very good and hopefull. I don't think I will start prepping our tv room, which will be the nursery until October, so that we can still utilize it until then.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Week 8- Strong heartbeat!

Had my Dr.'s appt last Thursday and we were able to see what the doctor called a "very strong" heartbeat. I was elated! Not to mention baby measured 2 days bigger than my due date. Soo, my new due date is Dec. 9th. Plus, I got a call from the nurse at the doctors office today regarding my lab results and she said everything came back perfectly normal! YAY!

Just another week and a half (week 10) and I will be completely out of the danger zone. Most people say not until week 12, but I read after the 10th week their is only a 7% or less chance of losing the baby. I've felt really good the last 3 days and eager to plan. 8 more weeks and we can find out what we are having!!

Have a great week! Just wanted to give a quick update.