Baby progress


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Week 22! The weeks are flying!

So, I think I have figured out why this pregnancy is moving along so much faster than it did with my daughter. I'M WORKING! With Karlie I didn't work, I stayed at home and randomly watched my nephews and a friends boys. Now, I am at work from 8-4 and the days have litterally been flying by! Gavin's crib is done and his armour is done. We are doing a surf themed room, which has been a bigger challange than I care to admit. I think I may end up making the bedding just because I haven't found any I like. I really want to paint his room, but I want to wait until I get his bed set so I can make sure the paint matches good.  Here is a picture of the crib, we went with black, but now I kinda wish we went with white since we are doing the surf theme....oh well!

Gavin has been moving like crazy and I can tell he has changed positions because I am feeling kicks in new areas. Hopefully by the end of the month I will have his bedroom set ordered or finished. 18 weeks to go!!

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