Baby progress


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

19 weeks- 10 inches long!!

So today I am officially 19 weeks. The baby is 10 inches from head to toe!! WHAT!? Crazy.....It literally feels like the weeks are flying by. I feel like I just did a blog update a couple days ago. Things are starting to get very real for me. I am starting to worry about financial planning and making sure we pay as much of our debt down ans we possibly can before I jeave me job. However, I have been offered to do some at-home stuff for a Little extra money, so I may take that on, but I just don't want to commit to anything more than 15 hours a week just because I will also be juggling school and a 12 year old who will be home schooled AND, lets not forget, the newborn!

Soo, that's about all for this week. OH! We got the crib sanded and hopefully this weekend we will get it stained......taking our time as you can tell!


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