Baby progress


Monday, April 18, 2011

First trimester, Week 6- My little lentil

So far this week I am feeling very tired. By 7pm, I am exhausted! I am really hoping everything goes well during the next 2 weeks. I'm still very nervous and leery since last time, the baby stopped thriving at 6 weeks. I go in for my 2nd ultrasound on the 28th and will be praying for a heartbeat. It's hard not getting excited about something so amazing and miraculous. Part of me wants to prepare for the worst just so I am mentally prepared for the letdown. The other part of me, the motherly part, wants to plan and organize. But that's really hard to do with it being so early still.

It's been exactly 9 days since I took the pregnancy test and it really is amazing how much a little test can change your plans, outlook, and habits all at the same time. My symptoms are about the same, just more intense. I have to pee a lot, my boobs are so sore, I am hungry all the time, and I'm exhausted. This week the baby is the size of a lentil. Another week and a half and we will know for sure if this baby will make it. My doctor prescribed me a progesterone supplement so my body will sustain the pregnancy. Thank god I only have to take it until the 12th week because they are $4 a pill!!

Come on little lentil, stay strong for a few more weeks!!

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