Baby progress


Friday, November 18, 2011

37 week 2 days

I am getting miserable!

I went in yesterday for my weekly appt. and my ultrasound. Since my belly has consistently been measuring 4 weeks bigger since week 25 or so. They wanted to get an estimate of his weight. According to the size of his head, abdomen and femur, he is right around 7lbs 4oz., which puts him in the 78th percentile for age. However, ultrasounds are not the most accurate when it comes to determining weight. Therefore he could be a pound (give or take) in either direction of that. They also found my amniotic fluid to be higher than normal, which is another reason I could be measuring larger. I have gained a total of 30 pounds and 3 of that was just last week, but since I am a little puffy, they think most of that is water retention.

So....the wait continues. We will see if Gavin makes his presence before or after his due date. I am really hoping it's not until after Thanksgiving so I'm trying to hold out for atleast another 2 weeks......UGH!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Week 36

With just under a month left to go, (or 29 days, but who's counting!), I can't help but think how fast this pregnancy really went. With Karlie it seemed to go on for years, of course I wasn't working and went in her room to re-arrange things daily. This time I worked up until 34 weeks so those 34 weeks flew by as I was occupied with "stuff". Now that I have weekly Dr's appointments its nice to be off work so I can schedule those whenever I want.

I will admit as much as I am trying to treasure every moment since this baby boy's life started, I am anxious to be able to put on my pants without pelvic pain when I lift one leg, or back pain when I roll over at night to the other side. But most of all I miss uninterrupted sleep because my arms constantly fall asleep. Even as I sit here and type this my right hand is numb because I have to rest it up right towards the keyboard. When I'm not typing I have to point it down to the ground so the blood runs back to my fingertips.

Tomorrow is my 36 week Dr. appt. and I am hoping he does an ultrasound soon to see how big Gavin might be.

4 weeks left!! I am READY!