Well, work ended a week earlier than expected and it honestly couldn't have come at a better time. I got the head/chest cold that creeped up so fast on me i thought my head would start spinning. I'm now on day 5 and I'm feeling way better even than I was this morning. I had my baby shower this last weekend and got so many amazing gifts. A bunch of clothes, gift cards, blankets, diapers, wipes, hooded towels, a breast pump......I could go on. It really was an awesome day and it was incredible spending it with my family and friends.
It's hard to believe I am in the last 5-6 weeks of my pregnancy already. It really did fly by. I had my 34 week appt. today and I am still measuring 4 weeks big. So in about 3 weeks we will be having another ultrasound to get an estimate of how big Gavin is. I have a feeling he will be a little early because of the pressure and position he is in. I have finally finished washing and putting away most everything I got from my shower, and nesting is already starting. I am getting so eager to meet this little boy. As much as I love carrying him around and helping him grow everyday I am also eager to get my body back. Putting on my socks, laying/sitting down without my arms falling asleep....it's the little things that are missed. But then again it took 10 years of infertility, waiting and waiting for this baby that I will suffer for another 9 months if I had to.
It will all be worth it in the end. And when I am holding my beautiful boy I will forget all about the aches and pains. Looking back at how fast Karlie grew up it makes me want to embrace every moment, every second, every blink of an eye because they don't stay little for long. That is something I was always told but never fully understood until Karlie turned 10. And then it became clear that the previous 10 years were gone. I would never have the chance to do any of it over again with her. So this time, I want to take every minute I can and make the most with my kids, no matter the time of day, the cost or any other petty detail.
I want to enjoy every last second of his birth, infancy, and even terrible toddler years. Now I just need my baby boy!
A weekly update of my pregnancy. I am 32 year's old and am due to have my 2nd child on December 7th, 2011. I have PCOS and suffered a pregnancy loss in 2009. Here is my story...
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Week 32- MIA
Holy Balls, I cannot even believe I have missed 6 weeks of updates. That shows how fast the time has been flying for me. between work, school, Dr. appt.'s and homeschooling a 12 year old, I'm at my limit! I have 11 days of work left and I am so ready to have some down time! I still have a lot to do before Gavin makes his appearance and I am very much looking forward to my baby show this weekend. I still have quite a bit left to get but just haven't had the time or energy to finish up.
Things are going very well pregnancy wise. I have been measuring 4 weeks bigger for the last month. I go in every 2 weeks now and that really makes time fly. I only have about 7 weeks left, but have a strong feeling he's going to come around Thanksgiving or shortly after. As soon as I am done with work I will have more time to spend updating here. Right now, I am so busy and tired all the time because I sleep so bad!
Things are going very well pregnancy wise. I have been measuring 4 weeks bigger for the last month. I go in every 2 weeks now and that really makes time fly. I only have about 7 weeks left, but have a strong feeling he's going to come around Thanksgiving or shortly after. As soon as I am done with work I will have more time to spend updating here. Right now, I am so busy and tired all the time because I sleep so bad!
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